But where do you get your.... *melting emoji face here*
E emma smith

But where do you get your.... *melting emoji face here*

Jan 24, 2025 · #plantbased · animal agriculture

Whether you've been vegan for five minutes or fifty years, you've certainly come across the ol' 'But where do you get your protein?' recent-nutrition-expert-query. 

It is tough to believe but, in 2025, misconceptions and misinformation about the ease of a healthy, plant based, animal cruelty free diet persist. And we at Zimt believe that if we can help change that, we can help change the lives of many animals- human and otherwise- for the better.


Thankfully, we have the incredible opportunity to work with nutrition expert, Mia DeBartolo, with the guidance of another all star, Dr. Matthew Nagra on putting your mind at ease about living a compassionate life without compromise.


Stay tuned- we have answers for all the protein and beyond based questions! 

So you can feel confident and informed, to go forth and not participate in unnecessary harm.




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