1% of Sales... or is it?

1% of Sales... or is it?


Although Zimt was founded in a time of utter confusion, one element has remained constant, clear, and unwavering this entire time. That is- to do good. 

We aim to bring you delicious, ethical, caring treats. Treats that most people would think impossible to make without dairy products, whose counterparts often contain ingredients harvested by modern slaves, and whose packaging will take hundreds of years to degrade. 

We want to go a little further than that, though. So, we have committed to donating 1% of all of our sales to charities that support our goals- to help those in the greatest need. 

This was our goal. And for a while, we have not been meeting it- things changed when we had to move from co-packing to our own manufacturing facility. Essentially, equipment purchases, a massive rent spike and far more overhead in general have completely dwindled our profits- we can still cover raw materials, labour, overhead, and often, the unexpected like random equipment repairs (*fingers crossed for not replacements*), but we are still only about 62% of where we were prior to being 'renovicted' from our co-packer. (They were undergoing a lot of transitions, so- no shade.)

Here's our new goal.

1% is nice- its a catchy, easy-to-remember number. And 1% isn't nothing- if it is between anything less than 1% and 1%, 1% is better. In our books, remember, this is 1% of sales not 1% of profits (which is really not that impressive, if you think about it- and is also pretty ambiguous. Net or gross...?). But, we can't donate 1% of sales if doing so means we can't keep the lights on. It is quite difficult to donate anything, when times are tight.

But it is also motivating, because we aim to donate to those who need it most- the most vulnerable members of our society. The animals, quite a few women, kids. 

We don't want a number, we want a philosophy. And that is big, coming from me, Emma, the numbers nerd. I don't prioritize this to skirt any concrete obligations. Rather, it will allow for us to go beyond and number- and purposefully so. 

Even beyond sales and beyond financial donations- there's something better, and this is the goal of Zimt: to inform, inspire, and empower people to live in a way that supports, protects and values those most vulnerable members of our society.

That's it!

But, that's also a large discussion. 


For now, let's keep it simple and look at some of the organizations we throw tiny bits of money at to help support them in their very important work: 


Hearts on Noses:  True blue is where HON is at! This organization is very volunteer dependent and spearheaded by founder Janice Gillet. The sanctuary offers respite to over 40 pigs (and a few other animals, too) - some of whom would otherwise have been led to slaughter for food. The organization also adamantly promotes a compassionate, vegan lifestyle. Unlike other 'sanctuaries', the animals at Hearts on Noses are not purchased from auctions. Other animal 'rescues' will actually go and buy animals from auctions, thus perpetuating the demand for these auctions to supply animals. They also are careful to not let the animals they rescue breed- there are already so many animals that need a space to live, more do not need to be created. 
These basic aspects are sometimes neglected at animal sanctuaries- Hearts on Noses has their heart, and mind, in the right place.


Home for Hooves: New to our line up- and we are so happy to be making chocolate to support two of the very special residents- Phoebe and Koda. Please check them out to learn more about these special beings and to support the compassionate work they do.


Organizations we have supported in the past and would like to support reliably in the future: 


100 For Haiti: This organization does incredible work, with facets that would greatly benefit even the most economically thriving of countries. While they provide the poorest of the poor with long term solutions to their basic needs being securely met ( safe water sources and roof replacement for homes otherwise, would be unsafe to live in) they go a step further. Sexual assault of women and children is rampant in southern Haiti. As a response, they have set up a team of social work volunteers to educate citizens about sexual assault and abuse, and how to prevent them.

We need this everywhere- well done, 100 for Haiti!

Danzig's Roost: Guess who lay eggs? Well, among a number of animals, chickens do. Guess who don not? (Again, lots of us, but... that's not what we are getting at here). Roosters do not lay eggs. Did you ever think about what happens to roosters? Ok, here's the thing: humans eat a lot of eggs. Roosters do not lay eggs. Roosters fertilize eggs to make more chicks (both male and female), but you don't need nearly as many roosters as you do chickens to keep the egg supply bumpin'. 

So what does this mean? It means that millions of male chicks are ground up into fertilizer and pet food, or suffocated, or simply thrown into dumpsters, because they are useless to us to provide eggs. 

It doesn't matter if the eggs you buy say they are 'natural', or 'cage free' or 'free range'- unless they are an absolute minutely unusual case, those eggs mean many ground up baby roosters. 

Not many of us know that. But the folks at Danzig's Roost do and decided it was high time to rescue some roosters. They provide a safe, loving, lifetime respite for farmed rescue animals- many of whom are roosters. 

So, now you know. Thanks for eating our chocolate- not eggs! 


Dandelion Africa 
Dandelion Africa is a non-profit organization based in Kenya that focuses on empowering women and girls in marginalized communities.

Through their programs and initiatives, they address gender-based violence (GBV) and promote holistic development. They work to prevent and respond to GBV through awareness campaigns, training, and support services. They empower adolescent girls through comprehensive sex education, mentorship, and life skills training.

Dandelion Africa also supports women's economic empowerment by providing training, microloans, and business support. They address menstrual health and hygiene challenges by providing education and access to affordable menstrual products. Additionally, they engage with communities, stakeholders, and policymakers to advocate for gender equality and women's rights.

Dandelion Africa's holistic approach aims to empower individuals and communities, creating lasting change in the lives of women and girls in marginalized communities. Learn more at https://dandelionafrica.org/.

The Cranky Vegan
There is little more endearing and sincere than intersectional, old school veganism. 
The world has changed. Sometimes that's great. Sometimes, things get lost. Sometimes, things get gained. 
Things haven't balanced, but what remains is priceless. Because since the dawn of humanity, things have been a challenge, one way or another. What better way to face the hell that we've created than by... to keep going. With community- even better.
That is what The Cranky Vegan has accomplished- bringing together those committed to what is much better-  looking at what cannot be lost. And that is, stripping away the 'vegan lines' by big brands, the influencer scams, and the market research, leading to careful projections to make a buck. That is, caring for those who are made to be used- and loving them for being more.  That is- them.
Essentially, everybody chips in a little bit for a big purpose- it is the one that all rescues seek to uphold. And that is who we support every month- together.