Want your next big event to create lasting memories?

We're here to help!

Whether it is custom wrapped bars showcasing your logo or special event, little chocolates to hand out at trade shows, our beautifully branded product to provide to your clients for gifts o an office pick-me-up, we've got you covered.

We would love to work with you on some of the following!

  • ¼ or ½ sized bars for promos with a custom sticker (bag and sticker are compostable, of course)
  • zero waste bar wrap with custom wrap
  • custom chocolates for special events
  • catered baked or chocolate treats for an extra fun Friday! (or Tuesday. Or Monday....)

Drop us a line in the contact form- and if you'd like a custom gift basket, we get to work with a number of fantastic companies for that. Would be more than happy to recommend options.

Custom wrapped chocolate bar with zero waste upcycled wrapperCustom Zero Waste Wrapped Chocolate Bar



Here is a glimpse of what we catered for some stunning weddings!  

Custom Wrapped Chocolates for Weddings and Events