Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Crunch Bars- Vegan, GF, high raw
E Emma Smith

Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Crunch Bars- Vegan, GF, high raw

Aug 29, 2015 · cacao · chocolate · coconut · coconut oil · Nanaimo Bars · no bake · oats · organic vegan chocolate · peanut butter · raw chocolate · Recipes · vegan chocolate · vegan food



So, since I loved two of our last posts so much, I decided to sort of combine them into this: Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Crunch Bars.

I hope that’s ok.

Oh it definitely is- just make these bars and you’ll see!

Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Crunch Bars (adapted from this recipe by Olena!)


  • 3/4 cup of smooth peanut butter (or almond butter, or sunflower seed butter- whatever you would like!)
  • 2 T coconut oil (melted or at least very soft)
  • 1/2 t vanilla extract (or powdered vanilla bean)
  • 1/4 t salt (you can omit if your PB already has salt in it)
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup organic, non GMO corn flakes (I like it all to be organic but… these especially!)


  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup chopped peanuts (or almonds, or other nuts, or seeds you like… or coconut flakes!)


  • 1 cup chocolate (oh hey we’ve got the best kind right here!), chopped
  • 2 T peanuts (or almonds, or other nuts… or coconut!), chopped

healthy snickers, vegan, caramel, oats healthy snickers, vegan, caramel, oats healthy snickers, vegan, caramel healthy snickers, vegan, caramel healthy snickers, vegan, caramel healthy snickers, vegan, caramel
Here is what you do. For the base, add your PB, coconut oil, vanilla, and salt to a big bowl and stirrrrrr until fully amalgamated (thank you for the spelling help, Google). Then, add your oats and cornflakes and stir stir stir. Press into a 8×8 baking pan and smooth out as best you can. Pop this in the fridge while you prepare your middle.

For the middle. Blend your pitted dates and coconut oil in a food processor until very smooth. Scoop this onto your base and smooth it on out so you’re covering it all. Then, sprinkle with chopped peanuts.

Finally, the top. Yum. Melt your chocolate using a hair dryer (you heard it here first), or a double boiler if you’re decent in the kitchen. Spread it out on top of your middle layers so that it reaches the verrrrrry edges. Score this into the desired sized pieces you’d like. Sprinkle again with peanuts!

Pop this in the fridge and let it set for about half an hour. Then you’ll be ready for a real treat!


Enjoy ’em =)


xo Emma


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